Although technically the teachers day in Colombia falls to friday 15th May in the calendar, on our university it was celebrated yesterday, 19th May. That is to say yesterday.
Although I had to be downtown from 2pm to 4pm to finish the class "Leer la vida", I decided to come back to the UTB to see that, this probably being my once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It was a big sacrifice - it means extra 2 hours minimum on the bus.
It so happened, that thanks to the traffic jam I arrived only to se like last 10 minutes of the ceremony, which took place in the large auditorium - the same where our "world is yours" conference took place, with the difference being that this time the auditorium was almost full:) (the UTB employs cca 250 teachers).
At the entrance everyone received a present. It is a book, written and published by the UTB, and quite a nice peace of work I have to say, since it presents memories and summaries of personal development of some of the most distinguished teachers here. As I recently realized that reading biographies can give us excellent idea of how a certain career can be pursuited, I recognize this idea as a good contribution to the development of UTBs own staff, as well as I am sure that many of the senior professors were actually pleased to share their personal story and experience.
After the ceremony there was a cold buffet outside, including red vine, which so happened to be second time I had had vine here at all, as vine is rather costly in Colombia. There was a small band providing live music, and even some teachers took part in the singing:)
Cesky jeste dodam, ze by se tu ztratila i vehlasna "Holubova letka", nebot profesori obklicili stolky s obcerstvenim celkem neprodysne, a videl jsem i borce, ktery si syslil banketky do ubrousku a cau:)))
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