So, I finally reached Peru.
Right now I am sitting in an internet place in Tumbes, quite a bizzare little place.
Yesterday night, I spent last few moments watching quite an interesting movie, whose name I don't know, in the hostel, then I had to run to the bus station without knowing how it ends.
I have to confess that I find it a great achievement when bus companies are concentrated in one big bus terminal (as it is usually in Colombia). It's like a bus ride supermarket, you know, besides you are quarded by security personel, and the only disadvantage is that prices of food are in general higher than on the street - a small price to pay for the comforts.
In Quito I was destined to a small terminal of Esmeraldas transport, a company that takes one to the border for 10 $. Having bought the ticket before I only crossed the few blocks to the station even though it felt a bit adventurous... I got a bit shook by the composition of the people at the station, tehy did not look very trustworthy, so I decided for the first time to check in my backpack and only take necessities on board as to not to have to look after it all night. The bus however was nice and after all people going to my destination looked quite allright too, in the end.
So the night passed - we even got a snack - and a movie - it is a Christian movie called "Fireproof" - I do not know what makes it so popular with busdrivers here, but I swear its the third time they put it on... I could by now retell most parts by myself:( well, perhaps drivers deep inside, as good christians, have some evngelist ambitions? Or maybe it is a redemption quest laid upon them during the holy confession?:)
Morning found me quite o.k. but a bit distracted, so I almost got of the bus too early, the driver wasn't so very helpful but in the end he has dropped us off correctly by the Ecuatorian immigration. By then I acquainted one another of the confused passangers, who turned out to be Peruano living in Ecuador for several years already and being a sales representant for some clothes companies.
He was kind of a happy-go-lucky person - as a good sales representant should be - and somehow he ended up as my guide through this border crossing, which was a very lucky coincidence, as he knew it all very well and so we got together through really fast and sharing the taxis which for sure prevented me being ripped off. So much for my lucky charm, because this border is characterized as one of the sketchiest in all South aMERICA (by one of the guide books) and it indeed does look so.
We parted with my new friend in Tumbes, after he had shown me the street where the bus terminals are, and gave me some tips. Again, no central terminal, fortunatelly I also got tip where to change money safely, so I changed some and went strolling down the avenue with some terminals. The offers are varied, with luxurious buses for as much as 40 USD incl. dinner and breakfast. After asking in cca 5`places I ended up with a ticket that suits my timetable and budget - it cost me some 18 $ and I'll arrive to Lima at 9 AM, so I can conveniently find a hostel. The buses are quite new double deckers by Mercedes and I even got the top-floor seat for the same price.
So now I had lunch - Peru really is cheap, as I had a menu plus my first ever Inca Cola for some 2 $ - and I am waiting for my bus, looking a little bit around Tumbes, which as I had just said has some bizzare features in architecture etc.
So much for Peru so far
pátek 27. listopadu 2009
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